Thursday, February 22, 2007

Bonsai Clippers From Japan

Bonsai Clippers From Japan 盆栽

Bonsai 盆栽

Japan's artistic miniature plants - that are so tiny yet so grand. Tools and plants.

Bonsai plants and tools.

Perfect for inside or outside work.

For wholesale orders or other quality goods from Japan click here: GoodsFromJapan.



Friday, February 16, 2007

Ichiro Happi Coat

Ichiro Happi Coat

ichiro Happi Coat

The best lead-off hitter in baseball. The magician of swat: Ichiro Suzuki. The pint-sized slugger from Nagoya. A great coat.

For more baseball happi coats.

Comfortable and stylish.

For wholesale orders or other quality goods from Japan click here: GoodsFromJapan.

How to order a custom happi coat from Japan

Japan Baseball Happi


Monday, February 05, 2007

Japanese Origami

Origami 折り紙


Memories of fifth grade art class or a gift from grandmother back from a group tour to Kyoto. And simple and beautiful.

For origami kits.

Origami kits for the whole family. Easy and fun to do with English instructions.


For wholesale orders, other kits, or other quality goods from Japan click here: GoodsFromJapan.

15 origami
