Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Solar Power Lucky Mascots

Solar Power Lucky Mascots

We have a new range of solar-powered maneki neko. Ideal for children's toys or as fun items at parties or to bring good luck to your shop and keep those customers flocking in.

Solar Power Lucky Mascots
Solar maneki

Solar Power Maneki Neko


© GoodsFromJapan.com

Monday, October 13, 2008

Edogawa Happi Coats

Edogawa Happi Coats 江戸川ハッピ

These happi coats are handmade and sewn and 100% cotton. They can be worn or used as wall decorations.

The umbrellas happi is lively and festive and colorful.

Edogawa Happi Coats 江戸川ハッピ

These happi are Edogawa (Edo River), or downtown Tokyo, happi.

Edogawa Happi Coats 江戸川ハッピ

They are very colorful and make great wall hangings or can even be used as a festival coat!

Edogawa Happi Coats.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Halloween Mask Offer

Halloween Mask Offer!

Buy a total of 3 of our Japanese masks and get a 4th mask of your choice absolutely free with shipping upgraded to EMS if you select regular shipping.

Halloween Mask Offer

Make your Halloween Party special with our range of white devil, fox, old man, otafuku woman and tengu goblin Halloween masks.

Halloween Masks

© GoodsFromJapan.com

Monday, October 06, 2008

Ladies Handbags From Arimatsu Shibori

Ladies Handbags From Arimatsu Shibori

We have a new range of elegant ladies' handbags from Arimatsu shibori in Arimatsu, Aichi Prefecture.

Lady's Handbags From Arimatsu Shibori

New 2016 Designs For Arimatsu Shibori Ladies Bags.

Shibori Bags

© GoodsFromJapan.com

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Auction Service in Japan

Auction Service in Japan

Need to buy something from a Japanese website?

Rakuten? Yahoo Auction Japan? Amazon Japan? Other Japanese online sites that do not ship overseas?

Yahoo Auctions
Shop in Japan with GFJ

Most sellers in Japan do NOT ship overseas. GoodsFromJapan.com has staff in Tokyo, Nagoya, and Kyoto--and we can take care of your order from purchasing, packing to final delivery.

Want to have something shipped from Japan? GoodsFromJapan.com has the Japanese language skills, the personnel, and years of experience in the Japanese consumer goods market--and we will take care of your order.

GoodsFromJapan.com acts as the purchasing agent for clients worldwide. Using a simple fee system, we will get the product you need to your door, wherever you are.

Japan Auction Service

Auction Service in Japan
Click to contact us

© GoodsFromJapan.com