Sunday, April 26, 2009

Kendama Video How To String A Kendama

Kendama Video けんだま

Watch a short video on how to string a budget Japanese kendama using the staple on the shaft.

Then see a few tricks from the novelty kendama.

Buy any 3 kendama from our store and get a FREE TK16 Master Kendama of your choice.

All of our kendama carry the "Made in Japan" mark.

Kendama Video How To String A Kendama

Novelty Kendama.
Novelty Kendama
Novelty Kendama.
Novelty Kendama

Japanese Kendama


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Novelty & Cut Price Kendama

Novelty & Cut Price Kendama From Japan けんだま

We are happy to offer some cut price and novelty kendama.

Novelty & Cut Price Kendama
On Sale!

These new Japanese kendama include colorful jumbo kendama, kendama in the shape of a traditional kokeshi doll and some really recession-beating cheaper kendama.

Novelty & Cut Price Kendama

Buy any 3 kendama from our store and get a FREE TK16 Master Kendama of your choice.

Novelty & Cut Price Kendama

The budget kendama come with a staple on the shaft to enable the player to adjust the length of the string.

All of our kendama carry the "Made in Japan" mark.

Japanese Kendama

Read more about kokeshi dolls

Novelty Kendama.
Novelty Kendama


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

TK16 Master Kendama Special Offer

TK16 Master Kendama Special Offer けんだま

Our Kendama TK16 Master are the cheapest on the internet at only 16.99 USD. With normal airmail to the USA included the price is 22.09 USD with EMS (guaranteed 4-5 day delivery) the price is 32 USD.

These competition Japanese kendama come in plain wood, red, blue and black.

TK16 Master Kendama

Buy any 3 kendama from our store and get a FREE TK16 Master Kendama of your choice.

TK16 Master Kendama
Special Offer

TK16 Master Kendama are officially sanctioned by the Japanese Kendama Association and carry the JKA organization's seal on the base of the handle.

TK16 Master Kendama

Novelty Kendama.
Novelty Kendama


Friday, April 17, 2009

Boy's Day Koinobori

Boy's Day Koinobori

Children's Day is celebrated on May 5th in Japan with the festival of Tango-no-Sekku, which gives thanks for the healthy growth of young boys.

Carp streamers - koi-nobori - are flown from houses with young male children. The carp represent strength and virility.

Boy's Day Koinobori
Read more on Children's Day & koinobori in Japan

Koinobori Carp Streamers


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Custom Happi Coats from Kyoto

Custom Happi Coats from Kyoto 京都のハッピ

Happi coats are lightweight cotton coats or jackets worn during festivals.

Custom Happi Coats from Kyoto
Custom Happi Coats from Kyoto

A happi is a baggy-sleeved short cotton jacket, tied with a sash around the waist, it is now worn mainly on festive occasions in Japan.

It is usually a plain color, typically blue, with a symbol printed on the lapels and on the back.

The happi coat is the traditional costume normally worn by Japanese today at least as much as, if not more than, the kimono.

GoodsFromJapan specializes in custom happi orders.

Custom Happi Coats from Kyoto
Custom Happi Coats from Kyoto

You send us your design requirements, an image, the number of coats and sizes - and we will get you a cost estimate within one business day.

GoodsFromJapan has created special happi coats for the Anime Association of America, high schools, taiko groups, and more.

Shipping is via EMS or DHL, which is both registered and insured.

For all details, on custom happi click here.

How to order a custom happi coat from Japan
